King Edward VI School - Design and Technology

Design and Technology

The K.E.S. Design and Technology Department aims to develop our students’ problem solving, designing, and manufacturing skills in order for them to excel in undergraduate courses in Design and Engineering disciplines. Design and Technology is taught in all years at K.E.S.  In Years 7 and 8 students develop skills in Design and Manufacturing, through the completion of a range of challenging projects. In Years 9–11 students opt to studying GCSE Design and Technology. The GCSE course is assessed through an exam and a Non-examined assessment (NEA), both modules are weighted equally. At A Level students will study Product Design where, similar to GCSE, they have the opportunity to undertake a large independent design and manufacture project.

Students are taught exam theory and project work in parallel by the department teaching staff.
  Students at both GCSE and A Level have the opportunity to develop project management skills through, investigative, designing, problem solving and manufacturing activities. For those interested in Design and Engineering careers, this subject complements the additional academic study of Mathematics and Physics, allowing students the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in all three subjects to a relevant independent project. 

Teaching in the department is delivered by two full time subject specialists in two dedicated Design and Technology classrooms - a workshop and a Design Studio. The department Technician also provides a pivotal role in the day to day running, ensuring equipment is safe to use, materials are ready, and also offers a helping hand with students undertaking practical and design activities.

The department comprises of two rooms, a design studio and workshop. The design studio has a computer suite with the latest Autodesk Design software, along with three 3D printers and a Laser Cutter. The workshop is equipped with a wide range of relevant, high quality, modern and industrial machinery. With Health and Safety being a key consideration in the subject we have a spacious working environment and a brand new dust extraction system to ensure a safe and clean working environment for our students.

We offer a wide range of additional learning opportunities to our students. The department is open most lunchtimes and after School for students to do additional work. There is a well-developed STEM program in the Lower School where Year 7 compete in a STEM Rocket Challenge and Year 8 students enter the FIRST LEGO league. Year 9 have the opportunity to participate in a STEM day. Years 9–11 can also apply to take part in the JLR 4X4 in schools competition, and the Airgineers challenge. Older students are encouraged to undertake their own projects in the department during lunchtimes and after School, which are relevant to the design and engineering careers they are interested in.