King Edward VI School - Spanish


The Spanish Department at K.E.S. aims to teach students to understand and express themselves in Spanish

Not simply in order to pass examinations, but also so that they can communicate with Spanish speakers and derive maximum benefit and enjoyment from visits to the Spanish-speaking world. Spanish is offered alongside German and French in Year 8 and students who wish to continue Spanish in Year 9 then follow a three year course to GCSE (AQA).  Whilst studying Spanish, our students are encouraged to explore the language through films, music, online newspapers and a wide range of websites. Visiting Spain is an integral part of the study of the Spanish language and to this end we offer our Year 11 students a one week exchange with Year 11 students at our partner school in Seville. Our A Level Spanish students in Years 12 and 13 participate in an additional, week long school exchange in Seville to consolidate their language skills. The language is taught by two teachers who are fully qualified, fluent and committed to sharing their love of Spain and the Spanish-speaking world.